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Guide to Building A Personal Brand

Personal branding is for everyone, especially if you’re looking for your next career opportunity.


Do the words personal branding make you cringe? Or are you thinking: Oh no, that’s not for me. Only celebrities and businesses need brands. Think again. Personal branding is for everyone, especially if you’re looking for your next career opportunity.

Branding Is Not That Complicated

The good news is that personal branding isn’t as complicated as you might think. At its core, branding is how you express your unique values, mission and world view. It lets people know why they might want to work with you and whether you’ll be a good fit for their team. In short, it’s an effective way to advance your career as a digital learning professional.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to identify your personal brand then show you where and how to express it. So get your note taking app ready, here we go…

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