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Post a job for free today!

Find the talent you need today with Teamed hiring solutions.

Save up to 20%


Best for do-it yourself,
one time hiring

Billed at $99/mo. after first 21 days
Start Free Trial
1 User
1 Job posting (at any time)
90 Day posting max


Best for insightful
moderate to substantial hiring

Switch to yearly to save $1,200!
Sign Up
3-4 Users
6 Job postings max (at any time)
90 Day posting max
Unlimited Talent Pool access
2 Featured jobs max (at any time)
4 Ads- showcase your org or jobs
Annual invoice option for annual


Are you ready for personalized service? Contact us today!

Schedule a Meeting
icons8_checked Recruitment Services

Get expert candidate recommendations sent directly to you for employee and contractor roles.

icons8_checkedCustom Solutions +

Looking for tailored solutions that perfectly align with your requirements? Your custom package could encompass;

  • Additional users
  • More and automated job postings
  • Custom talent pools
  • Recruitment and employer of record volume discounts
  • Ads and social media posts

icons8_checkedContractor Hiring

Simplify contractor hiring. We handle onboarding, time system set up, taxes and contributions, payroll, and more.


Best for do-it yourself,
one time hiring

You’ll save $168. Billed at $1,020.00 /yr
Sign Up
1 User
1 Job posting (at any time)
90 Day posting max


Best for insightful
moderate to substantial hiring

You’ll save $1200. Billed at $4,788.00 /yr
Sign Up
3-4 Users
6 Job postings max (at any time)
90 Day posting max
Unlimited Talent Pool access
2 Featured jobs max (at any time)
4 Ads- showcase your org or jobs
Annual invoice option for annual


Are you ready for personalized service? Contact us today!

Schedule a Meeting
icons8_checked Recruitment Services

Get expert candidate recommendations sent directly to you for employee and contractor roles.

icons8_checkedCustom Solutions +

Looking for tailored solutions that perfectly align with your requirements? Your custom package could encompass;

  • Additional users
  • More and automated job postings
  • Custom talent pools
  • Recruitment and employer of record volume discounts
  • Ads and social media posts

icons8_checkedContractor Hiring

Simplify contractor hiring. We handle onboarding, time system set up, taxes and contributions, payroll, and more.


Job postings automatically expire at end of membership plans

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of professionals does Teamed specialize in?
Is there a free trial available?
Where and how can I manage my job postings?
Where can I find stats for my job posts?
What is the Talent Pool?
Are there additional fees for hiring professionals from the Talent Pool?
 How does the annual invoicing option work?
How do I feature a job?
What is an Ad?
How do I add users to my account?
What if I need my post to stay on the job board longer?
What if I’m seeking slightly different services?
Do you provide managed services for custom development?
Can I switch or cancel plans at any time?
What happens to my job if I cancel my membership?
What if I have more questions or need further assistance?

Ready to Get Started?

Find your next great employees or contractors via Teamed.

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