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Creator’s Guide to Writing Readable Courses

Writing an effective course is deceptively difficult. How you say something is as important as what you’re saying.


Writing an effective course is deceptively difficult. You might think that all you need is an understanding of the subject and an outline of the important topics. But that’s not really enough. When it comes to courses, how you say something is as important as what you’re saying.

The more complex your topic, the more readable your language needs to be.

Make Your Writing Clearly Understood

If your writing is convoluted, if the style is academic and stilted, or if the text is simply boring, your learners are unlikely to retain what they’ve read. That means readability should be one of your top priorities. We’re not just talking about documents. Similar guidelines apply if you’re writing scripts for video or audio recordings. Ultimately, you need to choose words your learner can understand so they can focus on the material, not the writing.


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