6 Instructional Design Skills Successful Freelancers Need

Skills. They pay the bills—literally! That’s why it’s absolutely crucial that you define and refine your instructional design skills as a successful freelancer. We’ve said it once, we’ve said it a million times— no matter how awesome your instructional design skills are, there’s always room for improvement!
Today we’re going to chat about six skills we think are 100%, absolutely, totally, insanely, super-duper important for you to have in your bag of tricks. Don’t get us wrong, we firmly believe that anyone with motivation, drive, support, and some good old-fashioned TLC can be an instructional designer.
If you feel you’re lacking in any of these six skills, don’t despair! We absolutely insist that you do not get down on yourself. These are all skills that can be learned and strengthened over time with some practice.
Without further ado, let’s check out six instructional design skills every successful freelancer needs! You’ve got this, champ!
Click here to read this article by our friends at IDLance.
IDLance is all about supporting freelance instructional designers and those who need them. If you’re thinking about expanding into freelance opportunities – check out IDLance resources.