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The EdUp Experience Podcast

The EdUp Experience

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Instructional Design Leadership & Management Learning & Development

YOUR Higher Education Podcast

We welcome YOU to America’s leading higher education podcast! The go-to resource to stay updated with education & higher education with guests ranging from University President/CEOs to Venture Capitalists, to Ed-Tech Entrepreneurs. Higher Education is changing rapidly & the thoughts, ideas, & insights from today’s brightest & most influential educational minds from across the globe are brought to you via The EdUp Experience. The EdUp Experience is hosted by Dr. Joe Sallustio, whose down-to-Earth approach & industry experience helps to make dry & complicated educational topics more fun & engaging to discuss. Elvin Freytes, Producer, brings the most innovative leaders in higher education to the microphone. The EdUp Experience team brings over 40 years of experience in higher education – you will feel refreshed, upskilled, & reskilled after listening to this podcast. Our goal is to inspire & educate people to pursue a lifelong learning mindset no matter the path they choose. We make education YOUR business!

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