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Storyline Resumes & Career Coaching

Storyline Resumes

image Career Coach | Online | $75 - $3,000


Resume & Portfolio

Your Resume. Your Story. No BS.

You deserve better. Get a unique resume that ATS, hiring teams, and recruiters can’t ignore.

Our Process

From seasoned executives in need of a game-changing executive resume, to professionals breaking into $100K jobs, stand out with Storeyline Resumes’ impactful resumes. We offer a personalized, one-on-one process to create unique, story-driven documents to help you advance in your career.

  1. Interview: Enjoy a 45-minute-deep dive into your history, your successes, and accomplishments with an expert Storeyline Interviewer. Be prepared to talk about your career achievements, metrics, and the impact you’ve had on your employers. This is the critical information that will be used to create your new resume.
  2. Homework: Identify 2-3 job targets of interest and gather any recommendations you may have, along with any other useful information to develop your resume. Upload these details to your Storeyline Resumes portal.
  3. Creation: The Storeyline writing team will develop your resume draft utilizing information gained from your resume interview. We will upload your resume draft to your own, personalized portal within 10-14 business days.
  4. Review: You’ll provide feedback and edits for your new resume. Once your resume is finalized, you will be given access to the Storeyline Resumes Best Job Search Tips, Tools and Resources.

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