Job Search Tool | $0 - $9 /mo
Go from job seeker to top achiever with well-researched, personalized job guides to write better, improve interview performance and increase offer value.
Save More Hours, Land More Interviews
Applying for jobs shouldn’t feel like a full-time job. Yet, with each application requiring a unique cover letter and in-depth research, time adds up quickly. If you value your time at $30/hour, CoverDoc’s $9.99/month subscription more than pays for itself with just one job guide! Now, imagine saving over 10 hours a month—no more endless edits, applying smarter, not harder.
18,000+ job guides
We’ve created over 18,000 job guides for job seekers around the world.
30% higher engagement
Don’t get ghosted – 30% of our job seekers reported landing more interviews.
35+ minutes saved
Showcasing your worth to employers shouldn’t require a long, tedious process. CoverDoc saves an average of 35+ minutes per job application.
Are you ready to go from job seeker to success story?
Your job-winning assistant is just a click away.
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