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Guide to Employee Types and When to Use Them!

A flexible workforce is a strategy for hiring based on needs.


The right employees at the right time can help you maximize your organization’s effectiveness. With a mix of permanent and temporary employees you’ll always have the right person with the right expertise on your team. You’ll achieve better results, faster, and more happily. There’s a lot at stake.

As if choosing the right person wasn’t high pressure enough, to create a maximally effective and scalable workforce you’ll need to figure out the right mix of employee types.

Learn The Secret To Navigating Contractor Hiring

Team members can be classified in one of two ways: 1099 or W-2. Choose the wrong type and you could face unexpected costs, tax penalties, and worse.

This guide will help you choose the right employee types for your organization and goals. Plus, you’ll learn the secret to navigating contractor hiring.

Want To Know More?

Download our FREE Guide to Employee Types and When to Use Them! Just enter your email and get your FREE guide today!


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