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Land a Job


image Course | Online | Free


image 6 Hours

Career Development Job Search Strategies Resume & Portfolio

This course will help you succeed in landing the job of your dreams by guiding you through how to craft a tailor-made cover letter and prepare for an interview.

It’s time to apply for that job you’ve got your eye on, introduce yourself to recruiters and make them want to hire YOU! 😁

In replying to job advertisements—whether for a temporary gig or a full-time contract—give yourself every opportunity to get an interview. How can you attract the recruiter’s attention when sending in your rĂ©sumĂ© and cover letter?

In this course, you’ll learn to understand a job advertisement and collect the right information in preparation for your application.

Sending the same cover letter to every recruiter may seem like a good way to gain time but it is not a good strategy! Together, we’ll look at how you can adapt your application to specific job postings and their particular contexts to increse your chances of catching the recruiters eye.

Now, once your application has been shortlisted, and your interview is looming, how can you

Learning outcomes: By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Analyze a job posting
  • Write a targeted cover letter
  • Succeed in interviews

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